Old Blood Noise Minim Ambient Machine Pedal

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Old Blood Noise Minim Ambient Machine Pedal

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Stock expected May 2025

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£219.00 £249.00
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Old Blood Noise Minim Ambient Machine Pedal Overview

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Minim Immediate Ambient Machine. Time. Although always moving inevitably forward, it can often feel like it's standing still in an undulating haze. Sometimes it even feels like it's moving backwards, making us revisit and learn from our past. These meditative moments in time is where you'll find the Old Blood Noise Endeavors Minim and its infinitely modulating soundscapes. So, whether you want standard delay/reverb, reverse reverberations, or pulsating circular sonic movements, Minim is here to let you shape and bend time as you please.

Inspired by the foundational features of OBNE's last ambient smash-hit, the Rêver, Minim is set to instantly transport you even further to new atmospheric worlds, through its organic control set. Think of Minim as having two blocks. One block takes whatever signal is given to the pedal and reverses it at the press of a footswitch, while the other block gives you modulated reverb, fed into a modulated delay. Plus, there's even a switch that decides which block comes first. Each control is simple, but put them all together and you're likely to lose all sense of time.

The reverb side of things lets you create everything from simple room reflections to deep and endlessly trailing ambient washes, via Minim's Mix and Decay controls, while the Mod knob lets you blend in a gently swaying harmonic tremolo to put some waves into your ocean of sound.

On the delay side, you'll find the Time and Feedback controls to be pivotal tone shapers. Time both controls the length of the delay (up to 400ms) as well as the modulation amount, giving you sweet shimmering chorus tones at low settings and warbly tape-like vibratos at long settings. Feedback will go from a single repeat to endlessly cascading echoes for beds of blissful ambience.

All of this wonderful ambience that's created by the reverb and delay side can then be further manipulated by the momentarily triggered reverse section, seeing you instantly reverse everything on the fly, in order to make lines, phrases or entire chord progressions stand out in all its glorious shoegazy goodness. The mix of the reverse can either be fixed via the Reverse dial or instantly shaped and changed hands-free via an expression pedal.

On top of that, you can flip the order of the reverse block. This gives you the choice between smooth reverse effects or choppy glitchy textures, as well as change the reverse speed from normal to double time for unique stutter octave tones.

As you can probably gather by now, Minim isn't just one thing. It's an amalgamation of spatial effects, set to work together with you and your musical mind in order to create organically evolving sonic atmospheres. So free your mind and let the Minim unleash your new-found ambient potential.

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